
A project by Professor and Doctor Fondevila at the SCC-IEC on scientific journals of communication in Catalan, winner in a Call for Research

A project by Professor and Doctor Fondevila at the SCC-IEC on scientific journals of communication in Catalan wins in a Call for Research

Indexed scientific article by Dr. Fondevila et altri on collaborative economics

“Experimental Study on the Utility and Future of Collaborative Consumption Platforms Offering Tourism Related Services” is the indexed scientific article of Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón, Dr. Gaspar Berbel and Dr. Mònica Muñoz González in Future Internet, 11 (80) (doi : 10.3390 / fi11030080; https://www.mdpi.com/1999-5903/11/3/80/pdf) (ISSN: 19995903). The article analyzes, through experimental methodology and quantitative […]

Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón wins José de Quintana Pellicer, Carlos Pérez del Valle and Juan Álvarez Morales (UAO CEU)

Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón won José de Quintana Pellicer, Carlos Pérez del Valle and Juan Álvarez Morales (UAO CEU) in all the professional items analyzed by the Independent Group of Scientific Analysts on labor and professional performance. In this objective assessment, a methodology applied to indicate the state of the question in various variables […]

Dr. Fondevila wins UAO CEU

Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón won UAO CEU in all the professional items analyzed by the Independent Group of Scientific Analysts on labor and professional performance. It is an innovative methodology that is applied to indicate the state of the matter in various variables and that allows to compare with objectivity the performance of individual […]