
Fondevila wins the National Award of Catalan Poetry

Fondevila, winner of the National Award of Catalan Poetry

Fondevila wins the “José Nicolás Pascual Herrero” International Literary Award in Magaña (Soria)

The writer from Terrassa, Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón, winner of the “José Nicolás Pascual Herrero” International Literary Award in Magaña (Soria)

Fondevila wins the Tomelloso Literary Award

The writer Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón from Terrassa, winner of the 1st Award of Micro-stories and Micro-poems “Romería de la Virgen de las Viñas” in Tomelloso (Ciudad Real)

Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón wins the 1st International Erotic and Love Literature Award with the novel “Milagro en el agua”

“Catedrático” and Doctor Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón wins the 1st International Erotic and Love Literature Award with the novel “Milagro en el agua”

Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila wins Amnesty International’s Human Rights Award

Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón from Terrasse, president of the Catalan Communication Society-Institute of Catalan Studies (SCC-IEC) and director of the Cable Studies Center (CECABLE), has won the 6th Human Rights Micro-Story Contest Amnesty International, delivered in Plasència (Cáceres) on the occasion of Human Rights Day, thanks to the work “Estrella iluminada”, inspired by article […]

Professor and Doctor Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón wins the 5th International Story Award about Olivar (Audience Awards) and will donate it to social work in Terrassa

Professor and Doctor Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón is the winner of the 5th International Story Award about Olivar (Audience Awards) and will donate it to social work in Terrassa

Professor and Doctor Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón wins the 5th International Prize for Storytelling about Olivar

Professor and Doctor Joan Francesc Fondevila is the winner of the 5th International Prize for Storytelling about Olivar

Joan Francesc Fondevila, from Terrassa, winner of the Serranía Literary Prize of Guadalajara

Joan Francesc Fondevila, from Terrassa, is the winner of the Serranía Literary Prize of Guadalajara