Research Group on Innovative Monetization Systems of Digital Journalism

Scientific communication by Dr. Fondevila et altri in Girona on monetitzation thanks to HbbTV

“Monetization in digital advertising: interactivity for HbbTV” is the scientific communication by Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón, Dr. Jordi Botey, Dr. Josep Rom and Dr. Pedro Mir at the XXVII Annual Conference of the Societat Catalana de Comunicació (SCC) – International Congress of Communication Research, held in Girona, on June 30, 2017. This communication empirically […]

Dr. Fondevila et altri’s book chapter on new metrics in marketing and social media

“New Digital Metrics in Marketing: A Comparative Study on Social Media Use” is the scientific book chapter of Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón, Dr. Pedro Mir, Dr. Josep Rom and Dr. Eva Santana in the book by Francisco Campos Freire, José Rúas Araújo, Valentín A. Martínez Fernández and Xosé López García (editors) Media and Metamedia […]

Scientific article by Dr. Fondevila, Dr. Santana and Dr. Rom on intelligent transport in “Revista científica sobre Accesibilidad Universal La Ciudad Accesible”

“Accessible city and intelligent transportation: qualitative analysis” is indexed international scientific paper by Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón, Dr. Eva Santana and Dr. Josep Rom in scientific journal Revista científica sobre Accesibilidad Universal La Ciudad Accesible (number 5, pages 19-32, https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3iK0itdBx97ZFJqODZaaXl0Tjg/view). The article, using a qualitative methodology, analyzes the introduction of intelligent transport, focused on the […]

Dr. Fondevila and Lamelo scientific article about radio and the Internet in a JCR journal

“La influencia social 2.0 en los programas magazín de las radios generalistas españolas con relación a su audiencia” is the indexed scientific paper published by Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón and Carles Lamelo in the journal Estudios sobre el mensaje periodístico, volume 21, number 2, pages 813-831 (ISSN on paper, 1134-1629; e-ISSN 1988-2696). This article […]

Scientific article by Dr. Fondevila et altri about social media and tourism in an international indexed journal

“Use of social networks for hotel reservations in young people: empirical analysis” is indexed international scientific paper by Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón, Dr. Elena Puiggròs, Mònica Muñoz, Dr. Pedro Mir, Dr. Gaspar Berbel, Dr. Oscar Gutiérrez, Lluís Feliu, Dr. Eva Santana and Dr. Josep Rom in International Journal of Scientific Management and Tourism (IJOSMT) […]

Scientific communication of Dr. Fondevila et altri on using WhatsApp in the University

“WhatsApp use in the University: empirical analysis” is the scientific communication by Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón, Dr. Pedro Mir, Dr. Gaspar Berbel, Dr. Sergi Cortinas, Dr. Gaspar Berbel, Dr. Eva Santana, Dr. Josep Rom, Dr. Enric Ordeix, Dr. Jordi Botey, Marta Carreras, Dr. Oscar Gutierrez, Dr. Elena Puiggròs and Lluís Feliu in the “CIDUI […]

Scientific Communication of Dr. Fondevila et altri in a technological congress in Bulgaria

“Methods and technologies to discover the purchase decision of business tourism” is the scientific communication of Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón, Dr. Gaspar Berbel, Monica Muñoz, Dr. Pedro Mir, Dr. Elena Puiggròs, Dr. Oscar Gutierrez, Dr. Javier L. Crespo and Lluís Feliu in the 18th International Conference “Materials, methods and technology”, held from 26 to […]

Scientific Communication Dr. Fondevila, Dra. Santana and Dr. Rom on advertising skills

“Comparison of the skills and professional profiles in the field of advertising and public relations in Barcelona: state of the issue and proposals for change” is the scientific communication of Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón, Dr. Eva Santana and Dr. Josep. Rom in the First Congress Iberoamerican Nebrija Piatcom (Trends, skills and professional profiles in […]

Scientific article by Dr. Fondevila et altri in Hermes Scientific Journal

“Crowdfunding as project financing formula: empirical analysis” is indexed international scientific paper of Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón, Dr. Josep Rom, Dr. Judit Mata, Dr. Eva Santana and Dr. Pere Masip in the scientific journal Hermes, No. 14, pages 24-47. The article is downloadable in http://www.fipen.edu.br/hermes1/index.php/hermes1/article/view/230. The authors analyze quantitatively the use of crowdfunding as […]

Scientific article by Dr. Fondevila et altri on Facebook and University in the scientific journal Relatec

“The introduction of Facebook in the university classroom in Spain: student perception” is the indexed international scientific article by Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón, Dr. Pedro Mir, Dr. Javier L. Crespo, Dr. Eva Santana, Dr. Josep Rom and Dr. Elena Puiggròs in RELATEC, Latin American Journal of Educational Technology, number 14 (3), pages 21-30. In […]