Scientific communications of Dr. Fondevila et altri on HbbTV and “branded content”

“Audiovisual technology for education: pedagogical potential” and “Keys to branded content strategies and experiential marketing combined with the participation of influencers” are the scientific communications of Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón with Dr. Marc Polo López, Dr. Giorgia Miotto, Dr. Sheila Liberal, Dr. Jordi Botey, Dr. Eva Santana and Manuel Jesús Arteaga in the VII […]

Scientific article by Dr. Fondevila, Dr. Liberal and Dr. Gutiérrez on social media and tourism communication

“Semantic analysis in social media for digital tourism communication” is the scientific article indexed by Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón, Dr. Sheila Liberal and Dr. Óscar Gutiérrez in Comunicació: Revista de Recerca i d’Anàlisi, 36(1) (pages 71-94) (http://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/TC/article/view/145792). The article analyzes, using a quantitative and qualitative methodology of semantic study, the use of social media […]

Scientific article by Dr. Fondevila et altri about advantages and disadvantages of using WhatsApp

“Uses of WhatsApp in the Spanish university student. Pros and cons” is the indexed scientific article by Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón, Dr. Joaquín Marqués, Dr. Pedro Mir and Dr. Marc Polo in Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, 74 (pages 308-324), DOI: 10.4185 / RLCS-2019-1332 (http://www.revistalatinacs.org/074paper/1332/15es.html). The article analyzes, using a quantitative methodology, the use […]

Indexed scientific article by Dr. Fondevila et altri on collaborative economics

“Experimental Study on the Utility and Future of Collaborative Consumption Platforms Offering Tourism Related Services” is the indexed scientific article of Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón, Dr. Gaspar Berbel and Dr. Mònica Muñoz González in Future Internet, 11 (80) (doi : 10.3390 / fi11030080; https://www.mdpi.com/1999-5903/11/3/80/pdf) (ISSN: 19995903). The article analyzes, through experimental methodology and quantitative […]

Book chapter of Dr. Fondevila et altri on sensory marketing

“Advertising and marketing using senses: empirical analysis” is the book chapter of Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón, Dr. Joaquim Marqués Pascual and Dr. Josep Rom Rodríguez that appears in the book by Victoria Tur-Viñes, Irene García-Medina and Tatiana Hidalgo-Marí (Coords.) Creative Industries Global Conference (pp. 1-9), Digital World Collection of Mediterranean Magazine of Communication (Alicante: […]

Scientific article by Dr. Fondevila et altri on social networks and brand positioning

“Social media content for a brand: study case” is the indexed scientific article by Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón, Dr. Pedro Mir and Dr. Josep Rom Rodríguez in Questiones publicitarias, 1 (21): 21-26 (https: //doi.org/10.5565/rev/qp.298; http://www.questionespublicitarias.es/issue/view/v1-n21) (ISSN: 1988-8732). The article analyzes, through the case study technique and empirically, the use of social media as an […]

Scientific communication of Dr. Fondevila et altri on the impact of instant messaging on academic performance

“WhatsApp and university: On academic performance” is the scientific communication of Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón, Dr. Giorgia Miotto, Dr. Marc Polo López and Dr. Pedro Mir at the INTED2018 Congress (12th International Technology, Education and Development Conference ), developed from March 5 to 7, 2018 in Valencia, with ISBN Proceedings (978-84-617-8491-2) and within the […]

Scientific communication of Dr. Fondevila, Dr. Rom and Suriñach on brand positioning and consumer perception

“Digital communication: Brand positioning and consumer perception in purchase and consumption” is the scientific communication of Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón, Dr. Josep Rom Rodríguez and Nina Suriñach in the VI International Congress of the AE-IC, “Communication and Knowledge”, carried out in Salamanca from June 26 to 29, 2018 and organized by the University of […]

Scientific communication of Dr. Fondevila et altri on social media and tourism

“Semantic analysis in social media for digital tourism communication” is the scientific communication of Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón, Dr. Mónica Muñoz, Dr. Óscar Gutiérrez and Dr. Gaspar Berbel in the IV International Scientific-Professional Congress of Cultural Tourism (Tourism sustainable material and immaterial assets as a driving force for local economies), organized by the University […]

Scientific article by Dr. Fondevila et altri on social networks and food

“Social networks and food crises: the case of red meat and its carcinogenic effects according to WHO” is the indexed scientific article by Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón, Dr. Javier Sierra Sánchez and Dr. Sheila Liberal Ormaechea at Doxa Comunicación. Interdisciplinary Journal of Communication and Social Sciences, number 24, pages 127-148 (ISBN: 1696-019X, ISSN: 2386-3978, […]