
DMTforum 2024, May 16

DMTforum 2024 will be May 16 organised by CECABLE and Feceminte with the collaboration of SCC-IEC

The DMTforum 2023 reveals the health of the Broadband Society

“The situation of the Broadband Society in Catalonia and Spain is positive and we must try to innovate more in content”. This is how the director of the Cable Studies Center (CECABLE), Professor and Doctor Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón, summed up the DMTforum 2023 (XXVII Broadband and Cable Catalonia Congress). “The fact of having 16 […]

The DMTforum 2023, on May 16 at the CNMC

CECABLE and Feceminte organize the DMTforum 2023, on May 16 at the CNMC

Doctor Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón wins the Award for Best Professor

Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón, University lecturer and director of the Cable Studies Center (CECABLE), won the Prize to the Best Valued Professor of Euncet Business School-Polytechnic University of Catalonia for the 2018-19 academic year in a spectacular act Graduation held on July 18, 2019 at the Terrassa Cultural Center. “It is exciting and a […]

Big success of the 1st Congress on Broadband and Digital Content in Cantabria

The optimization of communication results thanks to the HbbTV (Hybrid Broadband Broadband TV) and the need for guaranteed broadband for companies and individuals are the main conclusions of the 1st Congress on Broadband and Digital Content in Cantabria-2019, which took place on January 24 and 25, 2019 with great success of contents and audience at […]

The relationship between journalism and telecommunications will center the I Congress on Broadband and Digital Content in Cantabria

The relationship between content creation and the band will focus on the 1st Congress on Broadband and Digital Content in Cantabria-2019, which will be held on January 24, 2019, organized by the Cesine University Center and the Cable Studies Center (CECABLE) with the collaboration of Blanquerna-Universidad Ramon Llull at the Cesine Auditorium (C/ José Simón […]

Dr. Fondevila, Journalism University Research Award for an empirical model on the use and profitability of social networks

Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón, professor at the Mediterrani University School (University of Girona), Pompeu Fabra University, Ramon Llull University, Open University of Catalonia (UOC), EAE-Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Euncet-UPC, Cesine and other universities, and director of the Cable  Studies Center (CECABLE), received in Riudoms (Tarragona) the 9th Journalism University Research Award, organized by […]

Success accompanies the XXIII Cable & Broadband Catalonia Congress

“Demand for broadband in the hand of content grows, and standards such as HbbTV will drive this process thanks to the possibilities inherent in interactivity.” In this way he synthesizes Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón, director of the Cable Studies Center (CECABLE), the message of the XXIII Cable and Broadband Conference in Catalonia-2018, organized by […]

Scientific communication of Dr. Fondevila on industry 4.0 and communication

“Industry 4.0: opportunities for communication and technology” is the scientific communication of Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón at the Blanquerna Emerson Global Summit 2017 (Cross-Cultural Diplomacy, Engaging in Diplomacy, Sports and Politics Across Cultures), held in Barcelona (Blanquerna) from 9 to 11 October 2017 (ISBN: 978-84-947556-3-7). The communication analyzes the angular factors of Industry 4.0 […]

Scientific communication of Dr. Fondevila et altri on HbbTV in the television future

“The European Television of the future and HBBTV: a new interactivity scenario” is the scientific communication of Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón, Dr. Jordi Botey, Dr. Josep Rom and Dr. Enric Ordeix in ECREA Television Studies section conference 2017 “The Future of European Television: Between Transnationalism and Euroscepticism “, held in Malaga from November 15 […]