Broadband Society

DMTforum 2024, May 16

DMTforum 2024 will be May 16 organised by CECABLE and Feceminte with the collaboration of SCC-IEC

“Comunicación y Hombre” Award to Professor and Doctor Fondevila for a scientific article on Broadband Society and cloud journalism

Professor and Doctor Fondevila wins the “Comunicación y Hombre” Award for a scientific article on Broadband Society and cloud journalism

The DMTforum 2023 reveals the health of the Broadband Society

“The situation of the Broadband Society in Catalonia and Spain is positive and we must try to innovate more in content”. This is how the director of the Cable Studies Center (CECABLE), Professor and Doctor Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón, summed up the DMTforum 2023 (XXVII Broadband and Cable Catalonia Congress). “The fact of having 16 […]

A successful DMTforum!

The optimism of the sector, the need for collaboration from Over the Top (OTT) companies and the solidity of the infrastructure in Catalonia and Spain summarize the content of the DMTforum, held in the Auditorium of the National Commission for Markets and Competition (CNMC), in Barcelona, ​​with great public and content success, organized by the […]

The DMTforum is here!

The future of the telecommunications operator sector and the possibilities offered by connectivity will focus the development of the DMTforum, which will take place on May 19 from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the Can Tiana Space Auditorium of the National Markets Commission and Competition (CNMC), in Barcelona, ​​under the organization of the Center […]

DMTforum (CECABLE and Feceminte), May 19 in CNMC

The future of the operator sector and the challenges of connectivity will focus the debates of the next DMTforum, which will bring together telecommunications companies in Catalonia on Thursday 19 May in the auditorium of the Barcelona headquarters (Espai Can Tiana, carrer Bolívia, 58) of the National Markets and Competition Commission. Organized by Cecable and […]

Worldwide Gold Award to Dr. Fondevila for the 25 years of the Cable and Broadband Catalonia Congress

Doctor Joan-Francesc Fondevila-Gascón received the Worldwide Gold Award for organizing the Cable and Broadband Catalonia Congress, which in 2021 reached 25 editions. This award, granted by institutions, entities and companies that have collaborated with the Congress, rounds off the trajectory of an event that has led the technological debate. “It is exciting and a reason […]

Successful XXV Cable and Broadband Catalonia Congress

“The benefits of telecommunication networks, whether they are fiber optic or 5G, will increase in line with the greater demand arising from interactivity, with HbbTV as the maximum exponent”, says Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón, director of the Center of Studies on Cable (CECABLE) and professor at the Ramon Llull University (URL), at the conclusion […]

Dr. Fondevila, Guest Editor of Electronics (JCR and Scopus Q1 journal)

Dr. Joan-Francesc Fondevila-Gascón has been chosen as Guest Editor of the JCR and Scopus (Q1) journal “Electronics”, in open source. Dr. Fondevila, director of CECABLE (Center for Cable Studies) and professor at Blanquerna-Universitat Ramon Llull, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Escola Universitària Mediterrani-Universitat de Girona, Cesine, Euncet-Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and EAE Business School, among other universities, […]

An amazing success of the XXIV Cable and Broadband Catalonia Congress

“The interactivity of HbbTV, especially in advertising applications, and augmented and virtual reality are examples of communication that will require a guaranteed broadband flow,” says Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón, director of the Cable Studies Center  (CECABLE) and professor at the Ramon Llull University (URL), as a conclusion to the XXIV Cable and Broadband Catalonia […]