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- On February 24, presentation at the BCT of the novel “Milagro en el agua”, by Joan Francesc Fondevila, inspired by the flood of 1962 and 1st International Erotic and Amorous Literature Award
- 30 years of the Cable Studies Centre (CECABLE)
- Fondevila wins for his career the Friends of Radio-Centenary of Radio in Catalonia Award
- The VIII International Congress on Communication Research, on 5 and 6 June 2025
- Fondevila wins the National Award of Catalan Poetry
- Fondevila wins the “José Nicolás Pascual Herrero” International Literary Award in Magaña (Soria)
- Fondevila wins the Tomelloso Literary Award
- Professor and Doctor Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón wins the 3 IEC scientific Awards
- Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón wins the 1st International Erotic and Love Literature Award with the novel “Milagro en el agua”
- DMTforum 2024, May 16
- Professor Fondevila wins the EAE Business School-Polytechnic University of Catalonia Teaching Award
- “Comunicación y Hombre” Award to Professor and Doctor Fondevila for a scientific article on Broadband Society and cloud journalism
- A project by Professor and Doctor Fondevila at the SCC-IEC on scientific journals of communication in Catalan, winner in a Call for Research
- Professor and Doctor Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón, Amics de la Ràdio Cultural Association Award
- CECABLE, with the VI International Conference on Communication Research of the SCC-IEC
- The DMTforum 2023 reveals the health of the Broadband Society
- The DMTforum 2023, on May 16 at the CNMC
- Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila from Terrassa wins the “Mariposas para Debra Poetry Award” in Burgos
- Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila wins Amnesty International’s Human Rights Award
- Professor and Doctor Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón wins the 5th International Story Award about Olivar (Audience Awards) and will donate it to social work in Terrassa
- Professor and Doctor Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón wins the 5th International Prize for Storytelling about Olivar
- Joan Francesc Fondevila, from Terrassa, winner of the Serranía Literary Prize of Guadalajara
- Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila wins the QP International Scientific Award in Andorra
- A successful DMTforum!
- The DMTforum is here!
- DMTforum (CECABLE and Feceminte), May 19 in CNMC
- Doctor Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón, Catedrático de Universidad (University Professor)!
- Worldwide Gold Award to Dr. Fondevila for the 25 years of the Cable and Broadband Catalonia Congress
- Dr. Joan-Francesc Fondevila-Gascón, Best Professor Award
- Successful XXV Cable and Broadband Catalonia Congress
- The XXV Cable and Broadband Congress in Catalonia-2021, on June 7!
- Dr. Fondevila, Guest Editor of Electronics (JCR and Scopus Q1 journal)
- The broadband event will take place later
- HbbTV and the need for flow, central axis of the XXV Cable and Broadband Catalonia Congress
- Doctor Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón wins the Award for Best Professor
- Scientific communication of Dr. Fondevila et altri on interactive television
- Scientific communications of Dr. Fondevila et altri on HbbTV and “branded content”
- Scientific article by Dr. Fondevila, Dr. Liberal and Dr. Gutiérrez on social media and tourism communication
- Scientific article by Dr. Fondevila et altri about advantages and disadvantages of using WhatsApp
- An amazing success of the XXIV Cable and Broadband Catalonia Congress
- The XXIV Cable & Broadband Catalonia Congress will analyse interactivity and HbbTV
- Indexed scientific article by Dr. Fondevila et altri on collaborative economics
- Big success of the 1st Congress on Broadband and Digital Content in Cantabria
- The relationship between journalism and telecommunications will center the I Congress on Broadband and Digital Content in Cantabria
- Book chapter of Dr. Fondevila et altri on sensory marketing
- Scientific article by Dr. Fondevila et altri on social networks and brand positioning
- Scientific communication of Dr. Fondevila et altri on the impact of instant messaging on academic performance
- Scientific communication of Dr. Fondevila, Dr. Rom and Suriñach on brand positioning and consumer perception
- Scientific communication of Dr. Fondevila et altri on social media and tourism
- Scientific article by Dr. Fondevila et altri on social networks and food
- Scientific communication of Dr. Fondevila et altri on sensory marketing
- Scientific communication of Dr. Fondevila et altri about media convergence and interactive advertising
- Chapter of scientific book of Dr. Fondevila et altri on hypertextuality in economic digital journalism
- Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón wins José de Quintana Pellicer, Carlos Pérez del Valle and Juan Álvarez Morales (UAO CEU)
- Dr. Fondevila wins UAO CEU
- European Award for Management and Business Innovation for Dr. Fondevila and CECABLE
- Dr. Fondevila, Journalism University Research Award for an empirical model on the use and profitability of social networks
- Success accompanies the XXIII Cable & Broadband Catalonia Congress
- Award of the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness to Dr. Fondevila and the Blanquerna-URL research group for a project on HbbTV
- Scientific article by Dr. Fondevila et altri on social networks and instant messaging
- Scientific communication of Dr. Fondevila on industry 4.0 and communication
- Scientific communication of Dr. Fondevila et altri on HbbTV in the television future
- Chapter of the scientific book of Dr. Fondevila et altri on HbbTV and innovations in interactivity
- Scientific communication of Dr. Fondevila et altri on communication and employability
- Scientific communication of Dr. Fondevila et altri on education, innovation and employability
- Scientific communication of Dr. Fondevila et altri on brand positioning in digital journalism
- Chapter of scientific book of Dr. Fondevila, Dr. Santana and Dr. Rom on competencies and professional profiles in advertising and PR
- Chapter of scientific book of Dr. Fondevila et altri on social networks and promotion of urban tourist attractions
- Scientific communication of Dr. Fondevila et altri on the communicative impact of Dual FP in the company
- Scientific communication of Dr. Fondevila et altri about corporate use of social media
- Scientific communication of Dr. Fondevila et altri on sectoral business presence in social media
- Scientific article by Dr. Fondevila et altri on intelligent transport
- Scientific communication of Dr. Fondevila et altri about media convergence and interactive advertising
- Chapter of scientific book of Dr. Fondevila et altri on hypertextuality in economic digital journalism
- Scientific article by Dr. Fondevila, Dr. Botey and Dr. Rom on emerging formats on television
- Scientific communication of Dr. Fondevila et altri in Lisbon on the use of social media in fast food companies
- Scientific communication by Dr. Fondevila et altri in Girona on monetitzation thanks to HbbTV
- Scientific communication by Dr. Fondevila et altri in Barcelona on HbbTV applications
- Dr. Fondevila’s scientific article on the use of metrics and algorithms on the impact of the media in social media
- Scientific communication by Dr. Fondevila et altri in Madrid on HbbTV and interactive advertising
- Scientific communication by Dr. Fondevila et altri on interactivity on HbbTV
- Dr. Fondevila et altri’s book chapter on new metrics in marketing and social media
- Scientific article by Dr. Fondevila, Dr. Santana and Dr. Rom on intelligent transport in “Revista científica sobre Accesibilidad Universal La Ciudad Accesible”
- Blanquerna Auditorium (Barcelona) will host the XXIII Cable and Broadband Catalonia Congress (April 2018)
- Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón, University Research Award Comarcal Press 2017
- Companies demonstrate the need for broadband in industrial estates
- The XXII Cable and Broadband Catalonia Congress studying the links between broadband and company
- Scientific article by Dr. Fondevila et altri on the use of semantic fields in Internet for the enterprise
- Scientific Communication Dr. Fondevila et altri on social media and brand strategy
- Scientific Communication Dr. Fondevila et altri on educational models for virtual communities
- Book chapter Dr. Fondevila et altri on trends in social media metrics
- Dr. Fondevila, in the scientific committee of EGOVIS
- Dr. Fondevila and Lamelo scientific article about radio and the Internet in a JCR journal
- Scientific communication of Dr. Fondevila et altri on social networks and urban tourism
- Scientific article by Dr. Fondevila et altri about social media and tourism in an international indexed journal
- Dr. Fondevila presents in Zaragoza his book “Formación Curricular en Diseño para Todas las Personas en Periodismo”
- Dr. Fondevila, chosen by the Once Foundation and Crue Universidades Españolas to write and coordinate the book “Design for All in the University: Journalism”
- Scientific communication of Dr. Fondevila et altri on the impact of voice in the digital environment
- Book chapter by Dr. Fondevila et altri on digital advertising
- Scientific Communication Dr. Fondevila et altri about social media in CIAIQ2016 and ISQR2016
- Scientific communication of Dr. Fondevila et altri on using WhatsApp in the University
- Scientific Communication of Dr. Fondevila et altri in a technological congress in Bulgaria
- Scientific Communication Dr. Fondevila, Dra. Santana and Dr. Rom on advertising skills
- Scientific article by Dr. Fondevila et altri in Hermes Scientific Journal
- Scientific article by Dr. Fondevila, Dr. Rom and Dr. Santana on digital journalism in Revista Latina
- Scientific article by Dr. Fondevila et altri on Facebook and University in the scientific journal Relatec
- Scientific article of Dr. Fondevila et altri on technology and tourism
- Chapter of book of Dr. Fondevila about HbbTV and education
- Dr. Fondevila, in the scientific committee of the Electronic Journal of e-Government
- Scientific book chapter Dr. Fondevila et altri on digital reputation
- A successful XXI Cable and Broadband Catalonia Congress
- Social media promotion in the event of CECABLE
- The moment of cable and broadband event
- Scientific Communication of Dr. Fondevila, Dr. Mir and Muñoz in Seville on use of social networks in tourism
- Scientific Communication Dr. Fondevila et altri in INTED 2016 on communicative methodology
- Scientific article by Dr. Fondevila et altri on Advertising and Public Relations
- Scientific Communication of Dr. Fondevila et altri on the use of smartphones for hotel reservations
- Scientific communication of Dr. Fondevila et altri on HbbTV in Castellon
- The XXI Cable and Broadband Catalonia Congress will take place from 3 to 5 May in 22@ of Barcelona
- Dr. Fondevila, expert in research on future trends of tourism in Europe
- Scientific Communication Dr. Fondevila et altri in Xescom
- Scientific Communication of Dr. Fondevila et altri in the VII International Congress of Ciberjournalism and Web 2.0
- Scientific communications of Dr. Fondevila et altri in Venezuela (CUICIID 2015)
- Dr. Fondevila et altri scientific communication in Relaip
- Dr. Fondevila, Excellence Award in ICT Communication and Dissemination
- Dr. Fondevila participates as an expert in the research group GISTIC of the National University of Colombia
- Dr. Fondevila, in the scientific committee of the European Alliance for Innovation (EAI)
- The successful XX Cable & Broadband Catalonia Congress
- Dr. Fondevila joins the Observatory of Scientific Communication of the UPF
- An article of Dr. Fondevila, the best in Tecnonews
- Dr. Fondevila, in the Interuniversity Conference and the Conference of future journalists
- Chapter book of Dr. Fondevila Gascón about digital journalism
- The 20th edition of the event on cable and broadband
- 1,000,000 page views of the scientific blog
- 800,000 page views of scientific blog “Telecommunications and Journalism”
- Dr. Fondevila Gascón and García-Navas publish chapter book on copyleft
- Dr. Fondevila, in the scientific committee of IADIS 2015
- 700.000 viewed pages of the scientific blog
- Scientific article of Dr. Fondevila et altri about Instant Messaging
- Contents of the cable and broadband 2014 event
- The XIX Cable and Broadband Catalonia Congress, in the 20 years of the Vives Network of Universities
- Dr. Fondevila, new Dean of the UAO CEU Faculty of Social Sciences
- Dr. Fondevila, University Research Award
- XVIII Cable and Broadband Catalonia Congress
- The VDSL2 possibilities
- Spain: more liberalized telecommunications
- FTTH in Europe
- The Spanish Digital Agenda
- Cable Jornades
- XXV Cable & Broadband Congress 7 June 2021