700.000 viewed pages of the scientific blog

The scientific blog “Telecommunications and Journalism”, a world leader in their areas of expertise, reached in January 2015 the spectacular figure of 700,000 page views. The blog (it began on 2011) belongs to Dr. Joan Francesc Fondevila Gascón, director of CECABLE (Cable Studies Center), university professor and principal investigator of the Research Group on Digital Journalism and Broadband and the Research Group on Innovative Monetization Systems on Digital Journalism (SIMPED).

“It’s exciting to see the great development of the blog as a diffuser of the Broadband Society and the great support and follow received,” says Dr. Fondevila, who won numerous awards for his scientific, professional and managerial activity. Some data are impressive: each article or blog post has an average of over a thousand page views, with peaks in some cases several thousand; the blog has over 330 registered supporters of scientific field; the degree of hypertext, multimedia and interactivity is a leader with a record of 111 comments in one of the articles; the impact is cutting edge in the major social networks (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest); the blog has been quoted many times in scientific media and reference publications; the amount of received links is enormous; the blog has been studied and considered a model of success in scientific journals and reference media; and it is positioned as number one in the leading search engines.

“It’s nice and exciting to note that scientists can get lot of monitoring,” says Dr. Fondevila, who said “the key is to transfer to citizenship scientific research conducted at the University”.