The Spanish Digital Agenda

Spain already has Digital Agenda. In line with Europe, it establishess broadband targets for 2020, setting the stage for the development of the digital economy and society. The weight of telecommunications and journalism, in the sense of broadband infrastructure and digital content, is essential. We are in the Broadband Society. We will analyse it in the XVIII Cable and Broadband Catalonia Congress (7-9 May 2013) and why we focus on this article on the Spanish Digital Agenda.

The paper aims to bring the benefits of technology to the three essential bastions of action: citizens, business and government. How to get it? Developing the digital economy (especially with e-commerce and social commerce journalism), reducing management costs in administration (thanks largely to the e-administration) and improving service to citizens, strengthening the Spanish ICT sector as a source of wealth and employment generation and boosting R & D + i in the industries of the future. It will launch the Broadband Society and the cloud journalism environment.

The paper discusses the commitment to take all the objectives of the Digital Agenda for Europe. Specific objectives about ICT in SMEs, security, digital content directly affected Spain internationalization. To reinforce this commitment, data on the impact of technology and digital are demolishing eloquent: the ICT sector represents 5% of European GDP, a 10% increase in broadband generates between 0.9 and 1.5% increase in GDP (clear correlation) and the implementation of the Digital Agenda for Europe (ADE) will increase by 5% of GDP over the next eight years. In Spain the digital content industry (industry information) has a long and promising road ahead.

Other impacts are reflected in job creation (per million euros invested in ICT will generate up to 33 jobs, the implementation of the Digital Agenda for Europe will create 1.2 million jobs in the short term and up 3.8 in the long run), productivity (the ICT sector contributes to 50% of productivity growth, 20% directly and 30% through investments in ICT) and consumer welfare ( eCommerce growth of up to 15% of total retail trade and the removal of barriers leads to an increase of 1.7% of EU GDP in consumer welfare). In Spain, the ICT industry and digital content is about 80,000 million euros in turnover by approximately 30,000 companies, employing 445,000 people, representing 5.7% of GDP).

After public consultations in which CECABLE and UAO-CEU have collaborated, there are nine specific action topics: three plans that enhance the supply cross (ultrafast networks, deployment of LTE, 100% population coverage of 30 Mbps yƒ 50% households connected at 100 Mbps, fostering competition between platforms) and demand for ICT (confidence in the digital environment and R & D + i), and six plans aimed at increasing competitiveness and efficiency through the use of ICT (one for citizenship, three and two for Enterprise Public Administration).

In networks will emerge a new General Telecommunications Law, establishing the National Strategy ultrafast networks to share and coordinate infrastructure operators and public authorities are looking for a more efficient use of radio spectrum and the release of the digital dividend, and promotes flexibility in use (secondary market sharing). 2015 provides a 50% ultrabroadband penetration (> 100 Mbps), with coverage of 50% FTTH and 47% HFC, and 5% of households subscribing to broadband that.